Thursday, April 22, 2010

Summer Lovin, boy it's a drag...

I have a love hate relationship with summer. I love that it's unstructured, plenty of time to relax, be with my thoughts, nap.

Oh wait, that's not my summer NOW, that's my summer between Kindy through Highschool, it was nice going down memory lane for a minute.

As I sit here researching, VBS, summer dance programs, art classes, swim lessons, and any other thought that pops into my head, I'm struck with one thought.

There are WAY too many child molesters, and bad guys in this world. Otherwise I may actually feel comfortable with kicking my 3 year old (as of May 23rd) out to the curb this summer to chill with the neighborhood kids. Can I do that? Of course not, because the bad guys (her words, not mine) will get her.

::Sigh:: The things we do for love, so this summer I will turn into the proverbial soccer Mom and dutifully schlep my child to and from summer activities with a smile on my face and plenty of information to feed her sponge of a brain.

Wish me luck people, I may end up Baker Acted by the end of it all. All the while lamenting, "they grow up so fast."

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Homework DAY!

King Man and I had a homework day today while my Mom watched Princess for us. I know what you're thinking, how exciting!

The focus of today was mostly about math, I was assigned a research paper for my College Algebra class, so that's what my focus was today, and it was, by far the most boring paper I've ever written.

Tell you what though, I know all about logarithms.

No pictures today, as I spent most of it holed up in my house staring at a computer screen and than helping King Man with his math homework. This next week is our last week of classes, than FINALS! Yay, I'm so excited.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

1:14 AM

So, it's my last semester at the Community College, this is it, on to the big leagues. I have 2 weeks left.

I've been dealing with insomnia, I don't even know why since things are "great" right. I don't do well with change never have. All the new changes have totally messed up my sleep cycle. Thinking of all the upcoming changes, and just being plain busy.

I have to say though, I can't WAIT for graduation, there were 7 people in my highschool graduating class, 7! No pomp, no loud music, no cheering. It was a small private school. The graduation ceremony at Community College is estimated to have 1300 people, so exciting.

King Man has been so supportive, I know it took a lot out of him to agree that quitting my job to go back to school was the right decision. Kinda bummed that Princess won't be able to go, there's a limited number of tickets and lets face it, the graduation is 3 hours, her attention span? 3 seconds.

I need to get some sleep. Took this pic recently: