Friday, January 8, 2010

Upside Down or Inside Out

What a day! Although my picture is in no way directly related to the topic above, my day was.

I ended up not needing to help with the big unpacking again today, so I decided to keep Princess B home from school and take her with me on some errands. Drive through at the bank, fine, trip to the store, not so fine.

As soon as she started whining before we even entered, I should have been warned. She spent most of the time in the store trying to randomly grab for one thing or another and complaining she wanted to get out of the cart. Not too bad, so we leave, and as soon as we hit the parking lot, she runs.

Let me just say, she runs much faster than I expected. Into the parking lot she goes with me in hot pursuit, by the time I catch her, we have an audience, lovely. I pick her up, she's screaming, flailing, making a scene and still people stare. Why? Why the staring? It doesn't help the situation, and my little drama queen just feeds off the energy.

:Sigh: So, I tossed her like a sack of potatoes into the car and away we went. We went back to the same play place as that we went to on Wednesday, I couldn't trap myself in the house with her All Day LONG! Afterwards it was off to pick up my husband.

The evening went much better, I'm happy to say. Dinner at my parent's house was followed by game night. I love games, I wonder though, how many families actually play board games anymore? I know people buy them (I'm one of the crazies shopping on Black Friday), but do they play them?

We played Apples to Apples Junior, a very hilarious game I have to say, my Mom plans on buying the adult version this week, should be interesting.

My photo today is all about the spirit of drama that Princess seems to be endowed with. You can read it in her eyes, that expression of, "Na, na, you can't catch me!" My little girl is certainly one that keeps me upside down and my emotions inside out on a daily basis, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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