Monday, January 25, 2010

Where did the time go?

Whoops, I turn around and I've missed another week. Where does it all go? "It" of course referring to time, last week, last month, last year, I blink and it's been a lifetime.

Last weeks theme's were all about matrimony. This may King Man and I will celebrate 5 years! Five, I can't believe it.

On the the pictures, or some of them at least, I still haven't quite caught up. While the topics themselves have to do with marriage, my pictures are about where we are now, what we've done as a couple, and about the wedding day itself.

Blue: This is a picture I took last Monday while we (King Man and I) were at Epcot, enjoying our Christmas present to each other, year passes.

Lucky: So many items are considered lucky, horseshoes, four leaf clovers, a rabbit, or more specifically, it's foot. Luckily, we have 4 rabbit feet.

Tie the Knot: This is the cake topper we had on our cake, I thought it was fitting, since we were both young uns' on our wedding day.

Rings: My engagement ring and wedding band.

White: A picture of a picture. This is a frame given to us for our wedding, the picture inside is me, getting ready for the ceremony at my Parent's house. On top of the frame is my tiara. What can I say, it was a royal affair.

Borrowed: As in, borrowed from my wedding day. :) Me and my Dad.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

All in One

Okay, so I owe all of you an apology, classes start and I immediately leave you all in the dust. I am truly sorry. :(

Coincidentally, Princess B and I had a playdate with some good friends on Friday and all of the themes that I missed for the week got covered in the pictures that I took. I just love when the universe works in my favor that way.

So here they are:


Black and White and In My Neighborhood (Get it, the park was In my neighborhood. Ha!)


Next week, I promise I'll do better, especially since I'm the one who picked the themes. I have to get my stuff together.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Okay, so today's theme is all about "Historic" and once again it got me thinking. What is something I consider historic and by that I mean old, or so I thought?

I was looking around my house thinking, what do I have that's really old when it hit me that maybe I'm thinking about this wrong. Maybe instead of something that's already historic, I could take a picture of something that will be historic, or a part of my history, someday.

So here it is, the last 3 textbooks i'll need for my last semester at community college. At the end of this semester I will be done with my Associates degree, one more step up on the way to my castle.

In honor of Monday

Okay, so I skipped a day, but it was for a really good reason, I promise.

I went to bed early, I know, I know, WHAT? You call that a good reason, but I do, because Princess B slept horribly on Sunday night and I was dragging all day, so I slept.

In Honor of Monday, here is my picture for "Trash or Treasure", I chose treasure.

Although this may seem like an ordinary coffee table, I swear it's magic. Well, not magic for me of course, but for Princess. We bought it from Ikea on Sunday and it's already been, a tea party table, a fort, an animal hospital, a dollhouse. The possibilites are endless and so, it is a treasure.

I have to say that the best part of this treasure for me was the $20 price tag, GO IKEA!!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I think I'm warm, I think I'm warm.

At least, that's what I keep telling myself. It is cold, and I know, I live in FL how cold could it be. Um, really cold. This morning as my family and I passed a neighborhood, we saw kids playing in icy grass. Icy grass is a very strange sight.

I'm going to be honest, I didn't take a picture today, I know, shameful. I did take one yesterday that matches today's theme though, so I'm going to use that one.

The theme for today is Winter. Yesterday Princess, King Man and I were headed out to Ikea and it started to sleet? for lack of a better word. It wasn't a lot, but it was there. I was in shock, I mean, I'm in FL, what the heck? When we drove through Dunkin Donuts the employees were in shock at the site of the sleet on our windshield too, lol.

I took the picture below as were sitting in the drive through lane at Dunkin Donuts, I'm inside the car and took a closeup of the hood of King Mans truck.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

What am I?

My goodness, what a big question. What am I?

I am so many things, wife, mother, student. Most of the time this is enough, they are the titles I use as I go through my everyday life, when I meet someone new, this is what I tell them. Although true, there is so much more that makes me, me!

What am I? I am a collecter, a romantic, a writer, a dreamer.

I collect tea sets, yes tea sets, miniature ones and some big, I have since I was little.
There is something so dainty about them, one day I hope to display them around my living room on small shelves.

I am a romantic, spontaneous trips, walks in the park, dessert with King Man while Princess B is in bed. These are the romantics I'm talking about, thank goodness I'm married to a man who is just as romantic as I.

I am a writer, what an outlet writing is for me. I've been journaling for as long as I can remember. The picture below is a book I wrote during 4th and 5th grade at a writing workshop I took over summer break.

I am a dreamer. I dream of traveling the world, visiting Greece, Moracco, Tuscany, all 50 states. I think without dreaming, I wouldn't have pushed myself to go back to school. Part of dreaming big starts with the money to do it, and that starts with actually having a career.

So there, that is some of what I am, there is much, much more, but honestly, I don't think I can define myself in just one blog post.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Upside Down or Inside Out

What a day! Although my picture is in no way directly related to the topic above, my day was.

I ended up not needing to help with the big unpacking again today, so I decided to keep Princess B home from school and take her with me on some errands. Drive through at the bank, fine, trip to the store, not so fine.

As soon as she started whining before we even entered, I should have been warned. She spent most of the time in the store trying to randomly grab for one thing or another and complaining she wanted to get out of the cart. Not too bad, so we leave, and as soon as we hit the parking lot, she runs.

Let me just say, she runs much faster than I expected. Into the parking lot she goes with me in hot pursuit, by the time I catch her, we have an audience, lovely. I pick her up, she's screaming, flailing, making a scene and still people stare. Why? Why the staring? It doesn't help the situation, and my little drama queen just feeds off the energy.

:Sigh: So, I tossed her like a sack of potatoes into the car and away we went. We went back to the same play place as that we went to on Wednesday, I couldn't trap myself in the house with her All Day LONG! Afterwards it was off to pick up my husband.

The evening went much better, I'm happy to say. Dinner at my parent's house was followed by game night. I love games, I wonder though, how many families actually play board games anymore? I know people buy them (I'm one of the crazies shopping on Black Friday), but do they play them?

We played Apples to Apples Junior, a very hilarious game I have to say, my Mom plans on buying the adult version this week, should be interesting.

My photo today is all about the spirit of drama that Princess seems to be endowed with. You can read it in her eyes, that expression of, "Na, na, you can't catch me!" My little girl is certainly one that keeps me upside down and my emotions inside out on a daily basis, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I should be sleeping...

because I'm exhausted! Offering to help someone unpack, while in theory seems like a good idea, may be the death of me. (or a big hint I need to workout) Regardless, I'll be back at it tomorrow.

Today I dropped Princess off at school and headed to the park with my trusty camera in tow. What a beautiful morning. The chill was just leaving the morning air, the park was empty and the scenary was wonderful.

Our photo challenge topic for today is "Reflections", I have to say I've thought about this from a lot of angles. Reflecting can be about physical reflection, as in a mirror image, or internal reflection. I opted for the physical kind.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Color Purple

I know, I'm very original when it comes to titles. What can I say, it's a gift.

Today we went to a play place with some good friends from playgroup. Since Princess B is an only child at this point, I really like the one on one play she gets from playdates, not to mention the six hours I spent hanging out with my friend didn't hurt.

It's amazing just watching Princess play, she's kind, and patient. She sings when no one's watching, I love that, her voice is cute and her range is getting better every day.

The photo of the day topic is "Purple", since I'm so creative these days, I put Princess in purple and snapped away.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Kids These Days

It's cold, and I don't mean, wear a light jacket and long pants cold. No, it's cold as in, hat, jacket, gloves kind of cold. Poor Princess B, I didn't realize how cold it was and so we walked out the door to preschool in just a jacket, whoops. When we got to the car I breathed a sigh of relief that both her hat and gloves were inside.

Kids these days is the photo topic of the day, and since I myself only have one child, I decided to take some pics of her class. They are so cute, and cute to look at. Once upon a time I used to teach preschool and just in the 10 minutes I was there taking pictures I have to say, I'm really happy to be studying secondary education (middle-college level) because those kids are crazy.

Mrs. Nicole, Princess B's teacher, is so patient, just sitting in on one art activity made me want to sit in the corner, suck my thumb and rock back and forth.

Well enough about me and on to the gorgeous kiddos. Please excuse the lack of boy pics, I did take pictures of the boys, they just didn't come out as well as the girls. Apparently, boys move a lot.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Favorite Things Cont...

Okay, so to complete my photo shoot of favorite things I present to you all, Princess B.
See that little hint of underwear sticking out of her pants, that represents the most wonderful thing in the world, a potty trained child. I never knew that the success of someone using the toilet would bring me so much joy, but alas, it has.

Favorite Things

Okay, so here goes, my favorite things photo shoot:

Chocolate, for the sake of this project I took a pic of hot chocolate, since it's colder than normal here in FL, brrr.

Books, this is the book I am determined to read this week while I'm on my last week of vacation. Mostly for the sake of saying I actually "did" something, instead of just bumming around the internet.
Coca Cola, enough said.
The pics of Princess B will need to be taken when she gets home from preschool. They'll also need their own post.


Okay, so I really should get in gear, it's Monday, the day of new beginnings and fresh starts. Princess B is at preschool after 2 weeks off. Let's hope she doesn't eat her teacher alive.

Today's photo is all about favorite things. Raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens kind of favorite things. The easiest way to do this I suppose is to make a list, my favorite things include:

Princess B
Coca Cola (ha, I really need to lay off the soda).

Off to take pics, and to get into that action that this title is about. More precisely, the action of folding laundry, can you tell I'm excited?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

So it starts!

So, another year has started. The year to come should be interesting, graduating with my AA is at the top of my to do list on the way to becoming a teacher. Yay! Hence the rags to riches part, although, I'm really fooling myself if I think being a teacher will bring riches.

Anywhoo, along with a multitude of online friends I have decided to join a 365 day challenge of taking pictures each day. Part of that challenge is posting here to keep myself accountable.

We'll see how this turns out considering today is the 2nd, oh well, let the picture taking commence!

Today's picture is a sampling of the sugar cookies Princess B, King Man and I made while trying to stay warm inside the house.